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Spire Capital selectively searches global private markets in line with key investment themes including digitalisation, energy transition, affordable housing and food security & sustainability. We conduct due diligence, create customised access vehicles and invest in the “sweet spot” of the chosen theme. In addition, we remain nimble in identifying market dislocations and arbitrage opportunities as they emerge.

We are focused on highly differentiated private market strategies to optimise risk-adjusted returns for clients through the cycle. We’ve developed a broad private markets platform to enable Australian investors tax/cost-efficient and simplified access to investments otherwise only accessible to large institutional investors.

Our philosophy is to invest in assets where value can be identified, created or enhanced – either by buying assets at less than their intrinsic value or investing in businesses with superior earnings potential. Key to this approach is investing in companies and opportunities whose principals are aligned with the business and integral to their growth, rather than in large capitalised companies with high executive turnover and sub-optimal board structures.

Our suite of strategies allows investors to take advantage of global opportunities in a way that suits their needs, whether it’s via closed-end funds, open-end funds and Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs). We also run customised feeder funds for large investors seeking an access solution for private investments sourced themselves. investing alongside our clients, we are totally aligned with their objectives. Our commitment to being fully transparent and accountable ensures our clients remain informed about all aspects of their investment.
We believe the fundamental drivers of outperformance of private markets (vs. public markets) is a function of the following:
• Market inefficiency can be exploited – private markets are highly fragmented relative to public markets leading to opportunities for outsized returns for the best investment managers
• Depth of due diligence – access to company-specific information is far more comprehensive in the private markets providing a significant informational advantage for firms with the resources and access to utilise it
• Active value creation at the asset level – returns are created by accelerating earnings growth through an injection of capital and resources by the private equity sponsor
• A patient approach – private assets and companies can work toward 5 year business plans without being impacted by market sentiment and rigorous disclosure requirements associated with public markets

Our team

A local team with a global perspective and experience

Building on decades of experience working around the world for quality institutions (e.g. Partners Group, Macquarie Bank, Knight Frank, MLC Investments and AMP Capital), the team combines institutional discipline with a nimble approach to identifying investment opportunities across global private markets. The team has a shared passion for seeking out those investments with the most potential for wealth creation and has spent important time building relationships to access opportunities with scarce investment capacity.

Matthew Cook F Fin

Partner, Head of Funds Management

Matthew Cook F Fin

Partner, Head of Funds Management

Dale Holmes B Ec

Partner, Regional Manager

Dale Holmes B Ec

Partner, Regional Manager

Stuart Haigh B AgrEc (Hons), ADFS

Partner, Head of Investments

Stuart Haigh B AgrEc (Hons), ADFS

Partner, Head of Investments

Sam Hallinan

Partner, Head of Investor Relations

Sam Hallinan

Partner, Head of Investor Relations

Peeyush Gupta AM, FAICD

Independent Chair, Strategic Advisory Council

Peeyush Gupta AM, FAICD

Independent Chair, Strategic Advisory Council

Shane Harvey CA

Chief Financial Officer

Shane Harvey CA

Chief Financial Officer

Scott Dingle B Com

Investment Manager

Scott Dingle B Com

Investment Manager

Rodney Bolton B Bus, MBA, GradDipAppFin, AdvDipFS

Senior Investment Analyst

Rodney Bolton B Bus, MBA, GradDipAppFin, AdvDipFS

Senior Investment Analyst

Leakena Taing B Bus & Com

Head of Operations

Leakena Taing B Bus & Com

Head of Operations

Lachlan Hay-Hendry MApplFin

Regional Manager - Investor Relations (WA/SA)

Lachlan Hay-Hendry MApplFin

Regional Manager - Investor Relations (WA/SA)

Chris Niall Dip FP

Regional Manager - Investor Relations

Chris Niall Dip FP

Regional Manager - Investor Relations

Luke Mura BAccFIn, CA

Senior Fund Accountant

Luke Mura BAccFIn, CA

Senior Fund Accountant

Suzette Tenedora B Acc

Senior Fund Accountant and Office Administrator

Suzette Tenedora B Acc

Senior Fund Accountant and Office Administrator

Nick Richmond B Acc, CIMA

Senior Fund Accountant

Nick Richmond B Acc, CIMA

Senior Fund Accountant

Franco Dagelet BMgmtEng (Hons)

Senior Associate & Head of Technology

Franco Dagelet BMgmtEng (Hons)

Senior Associate & Head of Technology